Trends in Public Housing Internationally

What is the role of the state in providing housing? How has that role changed in the post-war era? This research provides an overview of the state of public housing internationally by identifying trends in the allocation of public housing over time and between countries.

A series of maps and graphs have been produced for selected countries where data was readily available. We hope to engage with international researchers to:

1. Continue to add to the data by providing more historical or up to date information as well as adding data for countries that are not included.
2. Contribute to the comparative analysis of research results
3. Identify further questions to explore

Please contact if you would like to contribute to or be involved in this research.

Public Housing Stock in Selected Countries

Maps and graphs in this section display the current stock of public housing in selected countries, allowing for a comparative analysis of total units and percentages of public housing:


Historical Trends in Selected Countries
These graphs show changes in public housing stock as a percentage of total housing stock for selected countries from 1990 – 2014:


Public Housing Rents in Selected Countries
This map shows rents in public housing as a percentage of market rents, allowing for a comparative analysis in selected countries:


Country Profiles
Country profiles include information on the administration and structure of public housing, key trends and milestones, tenure and tenants in public housing, numbers of units / households and public housing as a percentage of total housing stock, graphs of historical trends, rents in public housing, geographical distribution of public housing stock and more. More country profiles will be added shortly:

History of Housing Policy in five countries

History of Housing Policy in five countries

More information on the sources used in this research can be found in the following document: Future of PH Sources and Notes Jan 2015